Adventure travel is one of the fastest growing niches in the market.  I think that's because people want to be at least somewhat active as they would at home.  People also want to be more immersed in local cultures when they travel, rather than have an experience they could easily have in their own hometown. Active adventure travel is a subset of adventure, and often involves either "soft" or "hard" adventure

Soft adventure involves activities that most people do on a regular basis: biking, hiking, walking, kayaking.

Hard adventure includes those once in a while (or lifetime) things like rock climbing,  expeditions, multi-day hiking and camping or ziplining.

If you like being active on a trip, try going on a soft adventure trip, and one that allows you to take days off or have a modified ride or hiking schedule.  I talk about two of my favorite active adventure companies, Backroads and G Adventures.  I go into greater detail about both in the podcast, and help you determine which one could be right for you.

I talk about some of the latest travel news, and preview my next podcast episode about my five favorite places to eat and things to see in Seattle.

Find out more about my blog, The Sansei Traveler, here:

Need help with travel planning?  Please check out my Cruise Planners site:

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